lunes, 14 de abril de 2008

"Gorillas in the mist"

This film is based on a true story. A sad one. Have you seen it? There is a picture of it in your book (p/74). In this video you can see some of it and listen to some English at the same time. There are longer videos on You tube, all of them waiting for you if you want to find out more!

Could you identify any words related to animals, conservation and environment? Write them down please! I'll ask you in class.

Ana was here!

3 comentarios:

Jose dijo...

I just wanted to report this on somewhere, and I did not know where exactly so I chose this place:

Bluetooth Technology: Origin of the name "Bluetooth"

"Bluetooth" was named after a Viking who was a Danish King-Harald Blatand. Blatand was loosely translated into “Bluetooth” But what could an ancient king name got to do with the wireless transferring technology? They may not have connection between each other, but it comes from an interesting origin: Harald Blatand is reported to have united Demark and Norway, and hence so as the wireless technology uniting people.

I hope you liked it. See you on tuesday!

Ana Martínez dijo...

Dear Jose León,

thanks so much for your comment. I did enjoy it! It's a very interesting story. Long live to vikings!
I hope you are having a good long weekend.

Take care!

Ana Martínez.

Patrizia Gea dijo...

Estimada Ana Martínez Gea:
Tu blog es fantástico, he pensado en boicotearlo, por la envidia: siempre supiste más inglés que yo, de ahí que te ligaras a todos los giris guapos, está claro para "probar carnaza" no se necesita hablar, pero es que para mi era incluso imposible pedirles royo.
Te felicito cachico crak del inglis pitinglis y aprueba a todos tus alumnos.